A Music Therapist's Holiday Wishlist
It's nearing the end of my undergrad, and I don't know how I'm feeling about this. On one hand, I am heading into the real world to do music therapy full-time (even if it is still an internship), but on the other, I don't feel ready at all! There is still so much more to learn about this field, so much more to learn about myself as a music therapist; I'm currently (multi-tasking) working on a paper about my own music therapy philosophy, and I simply just don't know what it is yet. But that's where my internship and increased clinical experience will hopefully come to play, and help.
Anyways, that aside, Christmas is just around the corner! And it really is true when they say that every Christmas, birthday, holiday, etc., a music therapist will be asking for musical instruments to add to their collection; I've already started mine, and now I can't turn back. So, if you have a music therapist (or any musician) in your life, here are some great, useful gifts you can send them for the holidays:
chimes & pitched percussion
hand/tone chimes
Zenergy meditation chime
Pin Chimes
Tone bells
Kalimba (thumb piano)
shakers & bells
egg shakers (& other shapes)
juju bean shaker
Hand bells
various sleigh Bells
I realize a few of these are quite pricey, but some (like the egg shakers) are TOTALLY affordable, and also make great stocking stuffers. And you don't need to worry about them having any of these instruments already because, honestly, the more the better - you never know how large your group sessions can get.