Say “BYE!” to Chapped Winter Lips This Season
I have a bad habit of biting my lips & peeling the dead skin off, so I've come up with my own lip care routine to follow every (most) night, in hopes to combat the dryness. Your routine doesn’t have to be nearly as in-depth as mine - consistency is the real key to everything! Here are some products to get your started:

What's In My Bag? - Winter 2020 Edition
What someone carries in their bag can tell you a lot about that person. From mints to earphones, here’s what’s in my bag - Winter 2020 edition:

The Beauty Update: Spring 2019
I was PRETTY happy about this “haul” that is honestly more skincare than makeup this time around, and has been helping me on the journey to achieve glowing, flawless skin (will still be some time, but progress is solid).

My 'Everyday' Look | September 2018
How I do my everyday makeup + the products I use:

I Like Free Stuff: Influenster x Le Petit Marseillais Body Wash

Natural Beauty Goodies + How To Use Oval Brushes

What's In My Drawer: Lipstick