Letter #1: Alain


Mon cher Alain,

How have you been? Both physically and mentally. I realize it hasn’t been long since I last wrote you, but, as your sister and a friend, I am concerned for your well-being as well. Especially since I can feel that the days leading up to the full moons of these past few months are quite… difficult, for the lack of words.

Greetings aside, the reason I am writing to you is to let you know that I have successfully brewed next month’s supply of Wolfsbane Potion (though I don’t understand why you couldn’t have just done it yourself). I have hidden it with someone trustworthy.

Meet me at the Shrieking Shack in a month’s time, just before the moon is fully ascent. I know it starts to get painful then, and that way you can have it in your hands in time.

Oh, and remember to stay out of sight. Or, knowing you, at least make an attempt to.

Ton soeur, Valeria.




Quote #10