Astronomy I, Lesson 1: Introduction


I have decided to choose the constellation, Cancer, as it is my astrological sign and because I don’t really know much about constellations in general (though, of course, Lupus attracts me but I didn’t want to write about wolves again). This medium-sized constellation takes the form of a crab, covering 506 square degrees. It can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -60°, best visible during the month of March at around 21:00. It is the dimmest of the zodiacs, the brightest star of the five main ones in the constellation being Beta Cancri.

Like most other constellations, there is a Greek creation myth associated with Cancer. It is associated with the crab Karkinos that appeared while Hercules was battling the Lernaean Hydra of the Twelve Labours of Hercules. The goddess Hera had sent Karkinos to distract Hercules. There are two versions of this story. One is where Hercules crushes the crab and Hera places the crab among the stars. Another is where Hercules kicks the crab with such power and force that it was propelled into the sky. Some scholars have suggested that Karkinos was a later addition to the myth, in order to make the Twelve Labours correspond with the twelve zodiac signs.

High up on Mount Olympus, there was a vast beach, with sand made of pure, powdered gold and waters that were rumoured to increase longevity. However, as it was only a rumour, nobody had dared bathe in the waters should something other than increased longevity occur. The alpha goddess, Hera, yearned for this beauty and longevity but she, like the others, would not dare enter the waters. But, as clever as she was, she summoned Karkinos, a frail and dying crab, to test out these waters for her. Gently guiding him to the edge that breaks land and sea, Hera settled him into the water. Unfortunately, to her dismay, nothing miraculous happened and instead, Karkinos died right there on the spot. The rumoured waters of longevity had taken his life. Thankful for his aid, she took his carcass, whispered a word of peace, and placed him into the night sky where he will live on forever.


Quote #12


Potions I, Lesson 1: Introduction