Monthly Playlist: July 2017

This month's playlist has quite the diverse selection; we've got alt/rock, Disney, the most random lyrics ever, and even a singing superhero! In July, I volunteered at an arts-based summer camp for children with various disabilities. At the end of camp, one of the things we - the campers and the leaders - did was perform a group dance, choreographed to Better When I'm Dancin'. And at the very end, the staff created a slideshow full of memories from camp, and they chose to use Try Everything as one of the background songs. Although at times it was hard, and quite exhausting physically and mentally, I had a wonderful time and gained a lot of relative experience working at the camp. Plus, who's heart doesn't shine from the kids' love for you? 

So, that's the story for the first and last track of this playlist. The rest don't really have a backstory, except that I stumbled upon them/listened to them a lot this month. Enjoy!

Monthly Playlist: July 2017

What are your music recs for the month?



What's In My Drawer: Lipstick


I Won the Liebster Award!